Publikum a konvence
Tento článek je určen lidem, kteří se chtějí dozvědět, jak vytvářet, upravovat a udržovat články v této wiki. Pro běžné editory wiki, kteří potřebují rychlou pomoc ohledně formátu wiki máme vytvořen Referenční přehled wiki.
openSUSE wiki používá software MediaWiki, stejně jako Wikipedia. Tento článek je založen na podrobných technických instrukcích z článku wikipedia:Help:Category na wikipedii. Nám jde především o to, vysvětlit konvence použité v této wiki, tedy nám nejde o to popsat, co už je popsáno ve zmíněném článku na Wikipedii, zde bude jen to nejnutnější minimum.
Stránky kategorií
Skládají se ze dvou částí, ručně vytvořené horní, která se podobá běžnému článku ve wiki, a automaticky vytvořené spodní části, ve které software MediaWiki vypisuje seznam všech článků a kategorií označených tak, že náleží k dané kategorii.
Horní část je volitelná, ale žádoucí. Holým minimumem je popis, co by mělo a co nemělo být kategorizováno touto kategorií. Kategorie vypsané červeným písmem v Special:Categories jsou ty, které tento popis postrádají.
Jak kategorizovat článek
- Abyste přidali stránku ke kategorii, jednoduše do ní na konec vložte [[Kategorie:Název kategorie]], kde "Název kategorie" je pojmenováním vaší kategorie.
- Pokud téma článku patří do více kategorií, pak na konec stránky přidejte odkazy na všechny z nich. Dáváme přednost schématu jedna kategorie na řádku, čímž je vytvořen přehledný a snadno čitelný seznam.
- Když wiki vzkvétá, můžeme kategorie vkládat do jiných kategorií a tak vytvářet jejich strom. V takovém případě se stanou podkategorií.
- Příklad: abyste Kategorie:Kopaná přidali jako podkategorii do Kategorie:Sport, upravte stránku Kategorie:Kopaná a přidejte do ní [[Kategorie:Sport]] podobně jako v jakémkoliv jiném článku. Tak se Kategorie:Kopaná stane podkategorií Kategorie:Sport.
Mějte na paměti následující
- Articles should not have any categories with non-existent (red linked) explanation what that category is about. The course of action is:
- check spelling
- check is there existing category with a name that differs in in a letter case, plural vs. singular, and similar minor differences that can make MediaWiki consider that different category. See Help:Article title.
- create the category explanation (most easily by clicking on the red link),
- change a category link in the article to point to the category which does exist,
- If not sure of an article's category, leave a short note on the message board with link to article that has to be categorized and the Wiki team will determine the appropriate categories.
Nové kategorie
If a suitable category does not exist, you should create one. However, look carefully because a category may already exist which is very similar to one needed. If so, the existing category should be used. Browse existing categories to find out is there one that can be used.
New category names should be well planned. To help create names which won't have to be changed later, see these helpful guidelines Wikipedia naming conventions. Changing category name later means a visit to each article that is listed in that category and change link, which can take hours.
In case that you have no time to do all research then use one of catch-it-all categories, like Packaging, Build Service, Distribution, Software and similar, usually one word categories. That will allow people to find articles.
Kategorizace pomocí šablon
There are templates which place pages containing those templates into specific categories. These templates are generally used for certain kinds of project categories, including stub and maintenance categories.
It is not advisable to use this method for the categorization of the articles until and unless there is an actual requirement, thus making the things more complex, as:
- It becomes difficult to tell looking at the page source if a page is in a category or not.
- Changes to category structures, moving, renaming, merging and splitting also become harder.
If not sure how to handle this contact the Wiki team.
Kdy používat
Every article should belong to at least one category. The categories to be included, which serve as classifications, should be the significant (useful) topics to which the subject of the article most closely belongs to as a member, and where users are most likely to look if they can't remember the name of the thing they are trying to look up. For example:
Article: Banners Useful category: Category:Artwork Not useful: Category:Banners ( Artwork) for openSUSE
The second name is not useful because it is almost impossible to guess it.
Proč používat
- Categories allow easy navigation between connected subject areas in the wiki. This helps readers find articles on particular topics even if they don't know which articles exist or what they are called.
- Categories are for defining characteristics, and should be specific, neutral, inclusive and follow certain conventions.
- We use MediaWiki extensions CategoryTree and DynamicPageList that make presentation of categories on regular pages very easy, which allows to create lists of articles that are automatically updated. This will help us to skip a lot of manual work to update manually created indexes, which was one reasons for navigational problems in the past.
Sub-categorization generally helps navigation within a large category. Often, large categories are be broken down into smaller, more specific subcategories. When making one category a subcategory of another, ensure that the members of the first really can be expected (with possibly a few exceptions) to belong to the second also. If two categories are closely related but are not in a subset relation, then a link to one can be included in the other's category description.
Kategorie jsou doporučovány
Yes , subcategories are very much required to aid navigation within a large category with many articles.
Remember- that subcategories will often belong in two or more parent categories. When making one category a subcategory of another, ensure that the members of the first really can be expected (exceptions ignored) to belong to the second also. If two categories are closely related but are not in a subset relation, then a link to one can be included in the other's category description.
Although it is possible to attempt to redirect categories by adding a line such as #REDIRECT [[:Category:Artwork]] to a category, it is not generally recommended because of limitations in the mediawiki software. Categories "redirected" in this way do not prevent the addition of articles to the redirected category. Articles added to the "redirected" category do not show up as in the target category.
Jak můžete pomoci?
Since categorization helps users find the content they need, we need help in categorizing articles. If you'd like to help in this effort, you can find plenty of work by visiting these pages:
- Special:UncategorizedCategories is a list of categories that may need parent categories.
- Special:UncategorizedFiles is a list of files that need categories.
- Special:Uncategorizedpages is a list of pages that need categories.
- Special:Unusedcategories is a list of categories that exist but are not used for any page.
- Special:Mostlinkedcategories is a list of categories that are associated with the most pages. This may also require extra attention concerning sub-categorization.
Viz také
Externí odkazy
- Wikipedia guidelines
- Mediawiki: Help page "Categories"
- Mediawiki: MediaWiki Handbook : "Help:Category"
Co dodělat
- List catch-it-all categories. Those are general categories that should be used for temporary categorization, before wiki maintenance in collaboration with topic experts find appropriate place.