Instalace na openSUSE 10.2
Beryl s Xgl
Touhle metodou nastavíme, aby se Beryl spouštěl na Xgl. Toto je doporučený způsob jak spouštět Beryl, nebo Compiz na openSUSE jako i grafický systém(AIGLX/NVIDIA). Stále však neposkytuje spolehlivý výkon.
- grafická karta nVidia (> geforce 4), nebo
- Odpovídající grafickou kartu Intel, nebo
- Odpovídající grafickou kartu ATI
- Grafická karta nVidia: Nainstalujte nvidia ovladače pro 3D podporu. Viz.: NVIDIA
- Grafická karta ATI: Nainstalujte nové ATI ovladače pro 7.2.
- Grafická karta Intel: Přesvědčte se že je aktivní 3D podpora. ("Aktivní 3D podpora" je zaškrtnuta) v:
K Menu -> Počítač -> YaST. Poté: Hardware -> Grafická karta a monitor.
2. Přidejte další Beryl repositáře, z the openSUSE build service.
- Pro přidání přes Yast, se podívejte na: Additional_YaST_Package_Repositories#Beryl_and_the_up-to-date_Compiz_Packages
- Pro přidání přes Zypper/rug, zadejte do příkazové řádky: (if using rug, just replace zypper with rug)
zypper sa xgl
- Pro přidání repozitáře přes Smart, zadejte:
su smart channel --add
3. Nyní nainstalujte následující balíčky:
- xgl
- beryl-core-snapshot
- beryl-plugins-snapshot
- emerald-snapshot : window decorator
- emerald-themes-snapshot
- aquamarine-snapshot
- beryl-settings-snapshot
- beryl-manager-snapshot
- compiz
Pokud nechcete poslední testovací verzi, a raději chcete stabilní Beryl verzi, potom si nainstalujte balíčky bez přípony-snapshot. Tohle můžete jednoduše provést za pomocí rugu, zypperu, smartu nebo YaSTu. Compiz je potřeba pro jednoduché přepínání s Xgl, můžete si také později vybrat jestli chcete spouštět Beryl nebo Compiz v beryl-manageru.
4. Povolte Xgl:
su gnome-xgl-switch --enable-xgl
(nemusíte mít spuštěné GNOME: tento příkaz je společný pro uživatele GNOME i KDE)
5. Restartujte váš X server:
su rcxdm restart
6. Spusťte beryl!
Beryl s ovladači nvidia - bez Xgl/AIGLX
Od Xorg verze 7.x, composite effects can be used without Xgl and simply an nVidia card. This uses nVidia's implementation of EXT_pixmap_from_texture, not the one from Xorg's inbuilt/optional AIGLX or from Xgl.
- nVidia (> geforce 4)
1. Install the nVidia accelerated drivers. See: NVIDIA
2. Add the additional Beryl repository, from the openSUSE build service.
- To add this to Yast, see:
- To add this repository via Smart, type:
smart channel --add
3. Now install the following packages:
- beryl-core-snapshot
- beryl-plugins-snapshot
- emerald-snapshot : window decorator
- emerald-themes-snapshot
- aquamarine-snapshot
- beryl-settings-snapshot
- beryl-manager-snapshot
4. Enable composite in Xorg:
su nvidia-xconfig --composite nvidia-xconfig --allow-glx-with-composite nvidia-xconfig --render-accel nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals
5. Restart your X:
su rcxdm restart
6. Run beryl!
Beryl s AIGLX nebo native NVIDIA
- nVidia Card (> geforce 4), or
- Relevant Intel Card: i830 through i945. i810 works, but DRI requires 16 bit depth. Or
- Relevant ATI Card: Radeon 7000 through X850 (r100 through r400 generations).
- nVidia card: Install the nVidia accelerated drivers. See: NVIDIA
- ATI card: Install the new ATI driver for Xorg 7.2. Check here
- Intel card: Make sure that 3D acceleration ("Active 3D Acceleration" box is ticked) in:
K Menu -> Computer -> YaST. Then: Hardware -> Graphics Card and Monitor.
2. If you were running Xgl, make sure that it is now disabled:
su gnome-xgl-settings --disable-xgl
Note: this command is required for GNOME and KDE users.
3. Backup your Xorg configuration:
su cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.$(date +%y%m%d-%H%M%S)
4. Open up xorg.conf for editing:
Pokud používáte prostředí KDE: kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf |
Pokud používáte prostředí GNOME: gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf |
You'll notice now that the file is demarcated into Sections. You'll need to edit these to add a few lines, which are options:
To Section "ServerLayout", add:
Option "AIGLX" "true"
To Section "DRI", add:
Group 0 Mode 0666
To Section "Device", add:
Option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" "true" Option "DRI" "true"
Now also create a new section that looks just like this:
Section "Extensions" Option "Composite" "Enable" EndSection
The relevant parts of your xorg.conf should look something like this now (it may vary a little):
Section "Extensions" Option "Composite" "Enable" EndSection Section "DRI" Group 0 Mode 0666 EndSection Section "ServerLayout" Identifier "Layout[all]" InputDevice "Keyboard[0]" "CoreKeyboard" InputDevice "Mouse[1]" "CorePointer" InputDevice "Mouse[3]" "SendCoreEvents" Option "Clone" "off" Option "Xinerama" "off" Option "AIGLX" "true" Screen "Screen[0]" EndSection Section "Device" BoardName "915 GM" BusID "0:2:0" Driver "i810" Identifier "Device[0]" Option "NoDDC" VendorName "Intel" Option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" "true" Option "DRI" "true" EndSection
Now make sure you save the file, and then close the editor.
5. Now restart X:
su rcxdm restart
6. Run Beryl!
Nastavení, aby se Beryl spouštěl automaticky
Pokud používáte prostředí KDE: Simply type (as user, not root): ln -s /usr/bin/beryl-manager ~/.kde/Autostart/beryl-manager ln -s /usr/bin/beryl ~/.kde/Autostart/beryl |
Pokud používáte prostředí GNOME: Go to GNOME's Control Center -> Sessions. Go to the last tab, "Startup Programs". Over there, add the following two to the list: beryl-manager beryl |
Řešení problémů
Jiný composite manager je spuštěn
Most likely KDE is running its own composite manager effects (using kompmgr), and Beryl therefore can't run. To disable KDE's window effects, open up the control center and disable the translucency effects:
K Menu -> Configure Desktop (Personal Settings). Then go to Desktop -> Window Behaviour.
Go to the last tab, "Translucency", and uncheck the "Use Translucency/shadows" box. Now you can fire up beryl-manager again, and everything should run just fine.
Note: If the above doesn't work, you may need to add the line
Option "Composite" "0"
to the Extensions area of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf. So far, this option must be present if you are using the fglrx driver (Tested on ATI Radeon 9600)
Problém s bílou krychlí u AIGLX
Start beryl by giving the following command.
beryl --use-copy
Alternatively select from beryl-manager -> Advanced Beryl Options -> Rendering path -> Copy
put the following in ~/.beryl-managerrc
[beryl-settings] render_path=2
Použití Berylu na Xgl s compiz a KDE
if Beryl#Making Beryl start automatically does not work well
You getting problem like (while lunching beryl):
beryl: pixmap 0x30001e9 can't be bound to texture beryl: Couldn't bind redirected window 0x2e00007 to texture .....
I saw just white desktop maybe gray windows
That happends on my PC - the solution is to use in kde autostart beryl-xgl (it will replace compiz)
(well before this remove files ~/.kde/Autostart/beryl-manager and ~/.kde/Autostart/beryl if exists)
So just type in any term
ln -s /usr/bin/beryl-xgl ~/.kde/Autostart/beryl-xgl touch ~/.kde/Autostart/beryl-manager
put the following in ~/.kde/Autostart/beryl-manager :
#!/bin/sh beryl-manager --no-force-window-manager &
to get beryl manager menu... That's all.
- Beryl Homepage
- Beryl openSUSE thread on the forum
- More Xgl Info
- Thread on compiling Beryl, and using's AIGLX
- Archive of old packages
- Xwinwrap