Nápověda k MediaWiki API
Toto je automaticky generovaná dokumentační stránka k MediaWiki API.
Dokumentace a příklady: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API
- Tento modul vyžaduje oprávnění ke čtení.
- Zdroj: MediaWiki
- Licence: GPL-2.0+
Fetch data from and about MediaWiki.
All data modifications will first have to use query to acquire a token to prevent abuse from malicious sites.
- prop
Which properties to get for the queried pages.
- Hodnoty (oddělené |): categories, categoryinfo, contributors, deletedrevisions, duplicatefiles, extlinks, fileusage, imageinfo, images, info, iwlinks, langlinks, links, linkshere, pageprops, redirects, revisions, stashimageinfo, templates, transcludedin
- list
Which lists to get.
- Hodnoty (oddělené |): abusefilters, abuselog, allcategories, alldeletedrevisions, allfileusages, allimages, alllinks, allpages, allredirects, allrevisions, alltransclusions, allusers, backlinks, blocks, categorymembers, deletedrevs, embeddedin, exturlusage, filearchive, imageusage, iwbacklinks, langbacklinks, logevents, mystashedfiles, pagepropnames, pageswithprop, prefixsearch, protectedtitles, querypage, random, recentchanges, search, tags, usercontribs, users, watchlist, watchlistraw
- meta
Which metadata to get.
- Hodnoty (oddělené |): allmessages, authmanagerinfo, filerepoinfo, siteinfo, tokens, userinfo
- indexpageids
Include an additional pageids section listing all returned page IDs.
- Typ: boolean (podrobnosti)
- export
Export the current revisions of all given or generated pages.
- Typ: boolean (podrobnosti)
- exportnowrap
Return the export XML without wrapping it in an XML result (same format as Special:Export). Can only be used with export.
- Typ: boolean (podrobnosti)
- iwurl
Whether to get the full URL if the title is an interwiki link.
- Typ: boolean (podrobnosti)
- continue
When more results are available, use this to continue.
- rawcontinue
Return raw query-continue data for continuation.
- Typ: boolean (podrobnosti)
- titles
A list of titles to work on.
- Hodnoty oddělujte pomocí |. Maximální počet hodnot je 50 (pro boty 500).
- pageids
A list of page IDs to work on.
- Typ: seznam celých čísel
- Hodnoty oddělujte pomocí |. Maximální počet hodnot je 50 (pro boty 500).
- revids
A list of revision IDs to work on.
- Typ: seznam celých čísel
- Hodnoty oddělujte pomocí |. Maximální počet hodnot je 50 (pro boty 500).
- generator
Get the list of pages to work on by executing the specified query module.
Note: Generator parameter names must be prefixed with a "g", see examples.
- Jedna z následujících hodnot: allcategories, alldeletedrevisions, allfileusages, allimages, alllinks, allpages, allredirects, allrevisions, alltransclusions, backlinks, categories, categorymembers, deletedrevisions, duplicatefiles, embeddedin, exturlusage, fileusage, images, imageusage, iwbacklinks, langbacklinks, links, linkshere, pageswithprop, prefixsearch, protectedtitles, querypage, random, recentchanges, redirects, revisions, search, templates, transcludedin, watchlist, watchlistraw
- redirects
Automatically resolve redirects in titles, pageids, and revids, and in pages returned by generator.
- Typ: boolean (podrobnosti)
- converttitles
Convert titles to other variants if necessary. Only works if the wiki's content language supports variant conversion. Languages that support variant conversion include gan, iu, kk, ku, shi, sr, tg, uz, zh.
- Typ: boolean (podrobnosti)
- Fetch site info and revisions of Main Page.
- api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&meta=siteinfo&titles=Main%20Page&rvprop=user|comment&continue= [open in sandbox]
- Fetch revisions of pages beginning with API/.
- api.php?action=query&generator=allpages&gapprefix=API/&prop=revisions&continue= [open in sandbox]